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RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
FLIPPER ZERO - multiple tools: RFID, RF, Infrared, HID emulation, GPIO, Hardware debugging, 1-Wire, Bluetooth, Wifi and more
Flipper Zero je dokonalé multifunkčné náradie pre pentesterov, geekov, etických hackerov a hardvérových nadšencov. Jedno zariadenie vreckovej veľkosti v sebe spája viacero nástrojov: RFID, RF, infračervený signál, emuláciu HID, GPIO, ladenie hardvéru, 1-Wire, Bluetooth, Wifi a ďalšie. Inšpirované veľkými open-source projektmi: Flipper Zero dokáže do malého, profesionálne vyrobeného zariadenia vtesnať serióznu funkcionalitu a zostáva verný svojim open source koreňom: Proxmark, HydraNFC, Rubber Ducky, pwnagotchi. Zariadenie Flipper Zero je úplne nezávislé a na svoje fungovanie nevyžaduje žiadny externý počítač ani hardvér - všetko riadi jeho päťsmerové navigačné tlačidlo a LCD displej. Po pripojení k počítaču alebo priloženým aplikáciám pre Android/iOS možno zariadenie Flipper rozširovať, upravovať, aktualizovať a preflashovať podľa vašich potrieb. Vďaka viac ako dvom rokom starostlivého navrhovania, vytvárania prototypov a iterácií je Flipper Zero vyspelou platformou, pripravenou na používanie po vybalení z krabice, ktorá spĺňa potreby profesionálov aj nadšencov.
The Flipper Zero is the ultimate multi-tool for pentesters, geeks, ethical hackers and hardware hobbyists alike. One pocket-sized device combines multiple tools: RFID, RF, Infrared, HID emulation, GPIO, Hardware debugging, 1-Wire, Bluetooth, Wifi and more. Inspired by great open-source projects: Proxmark, HydraNFC, Rubber Ducky, pwnagotchi - the Flipper Zero manages to pack serious functionality into a tiny, professionally manufactured device - and stays true to its Open Source roots. Entirely independent, the Flipper Zero requires no external computer or hardware to function - everything is driven by the its 5-way navigation button and LCD screen. When connected to a computer or the included Android / iOS apps, the Flipper can be extended, modified, upgraded and reflashed according to your needs. With over two years of meticulous design, prototyping and iteration, the Flipper Zero is a mature platform, ready to use out of the box, meeting the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike.
The Flipper Zero contains a fully-controllable RF platform, based on the TI CC1101 chip, allowing for RF Signal capture, analysis and transmission. The Flipper Zero has a built-in library of common remote control algorithms for capturing, decoding and analysing and replaying signals. Users have full access to the radio sub-system, allowing custom RF modules to be easily built.
The Flipper Zero allows for Reading, Writing and Emulation of both High-Frequency (13.56MHz) and Low-Frequency (125KHz) RFID tags. Low Frequency tags can be easily read, saved, cloned to a new card, or exported for analysis. Multiple High Frequency protocols are supported, and the Flipper Zero can even sniff authentification nonces to extract unknown MIFARE keys.
The Flipper Zero has a powerful, fully programmable IR transceiver for IR signal capture and replay. Out of the box, it includes a fully featured signal library for hundreds of IR-controlled devices: TVs, Stereos, Air-Con, etc.
The GPIO Pinouts & Breakout boards allow for controlling electronics directly via the Flipper. The Flipper can also be used as a USB to SPI/UART/I2C bridge for debugging, flashing and fuzzing.
The Flipper Zero emulate HID devices (Keyboard, Ethernet, etc) over USB, allowing it to perform BadUSB / RubberDucky attacks. Users can easily upload and deploy scripts directly from the device for task automation, pentesting and more.
The Flipper Zero is a fully-functional U2F Key, compatible with any U2F-enabled service: Google, Twitter, LastPass, etc. Much stronger than traditional 2FA (SMS, Email), U2F ensures that your accounts are safe and secured by the Flipper Zero.
The Flipper Zero is 100% Open-Source & Open-Hardware, with firmware source, schematics, cross-platform SDKs and Desktop & Mobile tools available. All hardware and firmware components of the device are available, allowing for complete customisation - from quick Arduino plugins to pluggable hardware modules.
The Flipper has built-in 1-wire contact points to read / write and emulate "iButton" tags (TouchMemory / Dallas Keys). Keys can be saved, exported, written to new tags or directly emulated. The contact points act as a read and a proble simultaneously for intercepting 1-Wire data.
Every Flipper Zero has a microSD card slot, enabling up to 64GB of storage space for your RFID Tags, Remotes, Captured Signals, Plugins, Modules, etc. Flipper uses the microSD card's SPI-interface, so it's important to only use on-brand, legitimate cards. The Standard & Complete Packs come with tested microSD cards direct from Kingston to save you time and money.
The Flipper has inbuilt Bluetooth, allowing for direct communication with mobile apps, and supports Wifi via the Wifi-Development module. As an extra bonus, multiple Flippers can communicate with each other over 433MHz, allowing your to find and chat with Flipper-equipped friends..
Flipper is backed by an incredibly talented and motivated team of engineers, programmers, hardware experts and artists, who are dedicated to building and maintaining a reliable, mature and long-term platform. Beyond its hardware capabilities, Flipper stays true to its geek origins: Flipper, the tamagotchi-esque dolphin and product mascot lives inside each device. Flipper thrives on experience: the more you use the device, the happier he becomes: just don't forget him, or you might learn why dolphin have teeth..
Basic Pack
4.99 € tax excl.
55.00 € tax excl.
17.90 € tax excl.