Kitronik is a company of Engineers, Designers, Makers, and Educators that are passionate about what we do and why we are doing it. Since 2005 we have been producing high-quality products for Education and Makers. Specialising in electronic project kits, we also stock the microbit and accessories, plywood, e-textiles , Perspex, clocks and much more.
Kitronik Robotics Board for Raspberry Pi.
€22.02Price17.90 € tax excl.
Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040, RP2350)
Kitronik Robotics Board for Raspberry Pi Pico (KIT-5329)
€22.02Price17.90 € tax excl.
Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC.
€59.41Price48.30 € tax excl.
Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC micro:bit (KIT-5699)
€59.41Price48.30 € tax excl.
Kitronik ZIP Halo HD for the BBC micro:bit.
€35.42Price28.80 € tax excl.
Kitronik ZIP Halo HD for the BBC micro:bit (KIT-5672)
€35.42Price28.80 € tax excl.
Klimate Board for the BBC micro:bit.
€30.75Price25.00 € tax excl.
Klimate Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€30.75Price25.00 € tax excl.
Klip Motor Driver for BBC micro:bit.
€30.26Price24.60 € tax excl.
Klip Motor Driver for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5655)
€30.26Price24.60 € tax excl.
LAMP:bit - Street Light for BBC micro:bit.
€7.38Price6.00 € tax excl.
LAMP:bit - Street Light for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5643)
€7.38Price6.00 € tax excl.
Lesson in a Box Simple Robotics (KIT-5657).
€571.95465.00 € tax excl.
€571.95Price465.00 € tax excl.
Lesson in a Box Simple Robotics (KIT-5657) for micro:bit BBC
€571.95Price465.00 € tax excl.
Low voltage relay for micro:bit - solid.
€17.98Price14.62 € tax excl.
Low voltage relay for micro:bit - solid state (Kitronik)
€17.98Price14.62 € tax excl.
MI:pro 'Mountable' Case for the BBC.
€4.31Price3.50 € tax excl.
MI:pro 'Mountable' Case for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik) for V1 only
€4.31Price3.50 € tax excl.
MI:pro Protector Case for the BBC micro:bit.
MI:pro Protector Case for the BBC micro:bit - Clear (Kitronik) for V1 only
Maker Pi Pico Base : Simplifying Pi Pico for.
€17.71Price14.40 € tax excl.
Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040, RP2350)
Maker Pi Pico Base : Simplifying Pi Pico for Beginners (KIT-46172) Grove connectors
€17.71Price14.40 € tax excl.
Maker Uno Plus: Simplifying Arduino for.
€22.02Price17.90 € tax excl.
Maker Uno Plus: Simplifying Arduino for Education (KIT-5314) 100% Arduino compatible
€22.02Price17.90 € tax excl.
Monk Makes - Servo kit for micro:bit.
€40.22Price32.70 € tax excl.
Monk Makes - Servo kit for micro:bit (KIT-46147)
€40.22Price32.70 € tax excl.
Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit.
€4.43Price3.60 € tax excl.
Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) Kitronik
€4.43Price3.60 € tax excl.
Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit.
€24.48Price19.90 € tax excl.
Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€24.48Price19.90 € tax excl.
RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€11.93Price9.70 € tax excl.
RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€11.93Price9.70 € tax excl.
STOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit.
€5.41Price4.40 € tax excl.
STOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5642)
€5.41Price4.40 € tax excl.
Sensor Board for micro:bit (Kitronik)
Sensor Board for micro:bit (Kitronik)
Servo:Lite board for :MOVE mini (Kitronik)
Servo:Lite board for :MOVE mini (Kitronik)
Simple Robotics Kit - Single Pack (KIT-5665).
€39.36Price32.00 € tax excl.
Simple Robotics Kit - Single Pack (KIT-5665) for micro:bit BBC
€39.36Price32.00 € tax excl.
Terminal Block Breakout for BBC micro:bit.
€14.15Price11.50 € tax excl.
Terminal Block Breakout for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5651)
€14.15Price11.50 € tax excl.
Tipper Trailer Add On For :MOVE mini Mk2.
€23.25Price18.90 € tax excl.
Tipper Trailer Add On For :MOVE mini Mk2 (KIT-5670)
€23.25Price18.90 € tax excl.
ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€15.38Price12.50 € tax excl.
ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
€15.38Price12.50 € tax excl.
ZIP LEDs Add-On Pack for Kitronik Inventors.
€24.48Price19.90 € tax excl.
ZIP LEDs Add-On Pack for Kitronik Inventors Kit for micro:bit (Kitronik)
€24.48Price19.90 € tax excl.