UartSBee V5 (Seeed 814004001) USB to Serial adapter with BEE socket
UartSBee v5' is FTDI cable compatible USB to Serial adapter equipped with BEE socket(20pin 2.0mm). The integrated FT232RL can be used for programming or communicating with MCUs. On the other hand, you might connect your PC to various wireless applications via a Bee compatible module. UartSBee provides breakouts for the bit-bang mode pins of FT232RL as well.This Bit-bang mode pins (8 I/O pins) can be used as a replacement for applications involving PC parallel port which is scares now a day.
UartSBee v5 is the Mesh Bee programmer version based on UartSBee v4.
FTDI Cable compatible.
USB 2.0 compatible Serial Interface.
3.3V and 5V compatible I/Os.
3.3V and 5V dual power outputs.
Reset button for BEE modules.
Bit-Bang mode ready (8 Serial I/Os or as SPI).
LEDs for UART and BEE operations.
Can program Mesh Bee
Diagram Added SW3 to switch the connection of FT232's UART between the TX1/RX1 pins of BEE socket and the program interface of Mesh Bee
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Seeed 103100001 (old 814004001)
Specific References
UartSBee V5 (Seeed 103100001) USB to Serial adapter with BEE socket