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    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C
    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C

    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C

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    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-PC Full-Featured Type-C

    Quantity :

    CrowView Note - Empowering Your Device as a Laptop - All-in-One Portable Monitor, Phone-to-Laptop Device With Full-Featured Type-C

    • All-in-One Portable Monitor
    • Phone-to-Laptor
    • SBCs/Mini PC/PC/Game Console Compatibility
    • Full-Featured Type-C丨Built-in 5000mAh battery

    Ľudia dnes žijú rozmanitejším životom, takže práca už nie je obmedzená na kanceláriu. Používanie smartfónu na prácu však môže byť nepohodlné kvôli jeho malej obrazovke a nastavenie jednodoskových počítačov s rôznymi perifériami môže byť ťažkopádne. Preto sme navrhli zariadenie CrowView Note, ktoré posilňuje všetky vaše zariadenia ako notebooky. Tento prenosný monitor typu všetko v jednom je kompatibilný so smartfónmi, jednodoskovými počítačmi, ako sú Raspberry Pi 5 a Jetson Nano, minipočítačmi a hernými konzolami. Poskytuje čistý, organizovaný pracovný priestor, čím zvyšuje vašu produktivitu kdekoľvek.

    Vďaka plnohodnotnému portu typu C na efektívny prenos dát a prenos zvuku a videa je CrowView Note kompatibilný s počítačom, smartfónmi a ďalšími zariadeniami.

    Pripojte svoj smartfón k zariadeniu CrowView Note a odomknite jeho režim pracovnej plochy. Väčšia obrazovka prináša pohlcujúci zážitok pre vašu zábavu a prácu, ako sú videokonferencie, správa e-mailov a prehliadanie webu, čím zvyšuje efektivitu a funkčnosť vášho telefónu.

    Nech ste kdekoľvek, vstavaná 5000mAh batéria zariadenia CrowView Note sa udržiava v prevádzke a nabíja váš telefón, vždy pripravená, keď ju potrebujete. Vďaka plnohodnotnému portu typu C na efektívny prenos dát a prenos zvuku a obrazu je CrowView Note kompatibilný s PC, smartfónmi a ďalšími zariadeniami.

    Pripojte svoj smartfón k zariadeniu CrowView Note a odomknite jeho režim pracovnej plochy. Väčšia obrazovka prináša pohlcujúci zážitok pre vašu zábavu a prácu, ako sú videokonferencie, správa e-mailov a prehliadanie webu, čím zvyšuje efektivitu a funkčnosť vášho telefónu . Nech ste kdekoľvek, vstavaná 5000mAh batéria zariadenia CrowView Note sa udržiava v prevádzke a nabíja váš telefón, vždy pripravená, keď ju potrebujete. Port typu C zariadenia CrowView Note podporuje 5V/5A PD, čím poskytuje stabilné napájanie akémukoľvek SBC, ktorý pracuje pod napätím 5V. To zaručuje spoľahlivú prevádzku a eliminuje potrebu ďalších zdrojov napájania, čím zefektívňuje vaše projekty.

    Aby sme vám uľahčili prácu, navrhli sme adaptéry pre Raspberry Pi 5 a vývojársku súpravu Jetson Nano, vďaka čomu nie je potrebné používať viacero káblov. Vychutnajte si zážitok z plug-and-play, ktorý zaručuje hladší priebeh a pohodlie pri výskume a vývoji aj pri každodenných úlohách.

    CrowView Note je kompatibilný s rôznymi operačnými systémami, ako sú Windows, MacOS, Android a Linux. Ľahko sa prispôsobí rôznym úlohám, takže prechod z práce na zábavu je plynulý a bezproblémový.

    V útulných kaviarňach alebo tichých knižniciach s prenajímateľnými jednotkami CrowView Note si môžu hostia rýchlo zriadiť pracovnú stanicu, keď ich prepadne inšpirácia alebo sa vyskytne naliehavá situácia. Bez CPU, úložiska, HDD/SSD a kamery zabezpečuje CrowView Note pohodlie aj bezpečnosť osobných údajov. Zvyšuje spokojnosť hostí a dodáva im osobný charakter. Okrem toho znížením množstva elektronického odpadu prispieva CrowView Note k udržateľnejšej a ekologickejšej budúcnosti.

    Kompatibilita zariadenia CrowView Note s celým radom jednodoskových počítačov (SBC) rozvíja nekonečné možnosti. Či už ide o hodiny programovania, počítače pre domácich majstrov alebo inteligentné projektové zostavy, prispôsobí sa akejkoľvek aplikácii v oblasti elektroniky, čím sa stáva univerzálnym nástrojom pre všetky vaše kreatívne a technické potreby.

    CrowView Note poskytuje výnimočný výkon aj pri hraní hier. Ľahko ho pripojíte k PS4/5, Xboxu a Switchi, či už ide o vreckové zariadenia alebo konzoly. Po pripojení poskytuje jasný, živý obraz a neuveriteľne plynulé zobrazenie, vďaka čomu si môžete naplno vychutnať vzrušenie z hier.

    Vďaka integrovanej klávesnici a dizajnu „všetko v jednom“ zjednodušuje CrowView Note nastavenie minipočítača. Tento zjednodušený prístup eliminuje potrebu ďalšieho príslušenstva, čím vám šetrí čas aj námahu.

    People today enjoy a more diversified life, making work no longer confined to the office. However, using a smartphone for work can be inconvenient due to its small screen, and setting up single-board computers with various peripherals can be cumbersome. That's why we designed the CrowView Note, empowering all your devices as laptops. This all-in-one portable monitor is compatible with smartphones, single-board computers such as Raspberry Pi 5 and Jetson Nano, mini PCs, and gaming consoles. It provides a clean, organized workspace, enhancing your productivity anywhere. The CrowView Note is a laptop-style monitor with an integrated screen, keyboard, touchpad, speakers, and more in an all-in-one design. CrowView Note can be connected to a smartphone to display its desktop. It can also be used as a display terminal for computers, mini PCs, and single board computers such as Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano Developer Kit. And CrowView Note has a built-in 5000mAh battery. It can work normally for 1-2 hours without an external power supply, which can also power smartphones, Raspberry Pi, and other devices. CrowView Note is versatile, suitable for various scenarios, and compatible with a wide range of devices.


    • 14" IPS panel with 1920x1080 resolution, 100% sRGB
    • Full-featured Type-C port can enjoy efficient data and audio/video transfer across devices, ensuring compatibility with PCs, smartphones, and more.
    • All-in-One Integrated Design, simplify your setup with an integrated design that includes a display, keyboard, touchpad, speakers, and battery, making it easy to operate, carry, and store.
    • On-the-Go smartphone connectivity can quickly connect your phone and deliver an immersive experience for your entertainment and work.
    • Broad SBC Compatibility. Compatible with diverse SBCs, including Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson Nano, Rock Pi, Orange Pi 4B, LattePanda, and Beaglebone.Works with popular SBCs like Raspberry Pi and Nvidia Jetson Nano.
    • Supports multiple OS, seamlessly connects with various operating systems like Windows, Mac, Chrome, Linux, Android, gaming consoles like PS4/5, etc., via a Type-C cable, with no drivers needed.
    • Easy system switching. With a single press of the F1 key, switch systems when connected via full-featured Type-C and HD media signal connections.
    • 5V/5A PD Power Delivery, ensure stable power supply for any SBC operating at 5V.

    Corwview Note-All in one portable Monitor Feature

    Corwview Note-All in one portable Monitor

    One Full-Featured Type-C, Universal Connectivity

    Featuring a full-featured Type-C port for efficient data transfer and audio & video transmission, CrowView Note is compatible with PC, smartphones, and more.

    Crowview Note with One Full-Featured Type-C

    Phone-to-Laptop, Anytime, Anywhere

    Connect your smartphone to CrowView Note and unlock its desktop mode. The larger screen delivers an immersive experience for your entertainment and work, such as video conferences, email management, and web browsing, enhancing your phone's efficiency and functionality.

    Crowview Note support Phone to laptop

    5V/5A PD Protocol Output, Multiple SBCs Compatible 

    CrowView Note’s Type-C port supports 5V/5A PD, providing stable power to any SBC that operates under 5V. This ensures reliable operation and eliminates the need for extra power sources, streamlining your projects.

    Crowview Note compatible with multiple various SBCs

    To make your making easier, we designed adapter boards for Raspberry Pi 5 and Jetson Nano Developer Kit, eliminating the need for multiple cables. Enjoy a plug-and-play experience that ensures both R&D and everyday tasks are smoother and more convenient.

    Support Multiple OS, Work-to-Play Transition

    CrowView Note is compatible with various operating systems like Windows, MacOS, Android, and Linux. It easily adapts to different tasks, making the transition from work to play smooth and effortless.

    Crowview Note with wide OS compatibility

    Instant Input Switching

    When using both the full-featured Type-C and HD media signal connections, press the F1 to quickly switch between different systems.

    Instant Input Switch of Crowview Note

    Gaming Supercharger

    CrowView Note delivers exceptional performance for gaming as well. It easily connects to PS4/5, Xbox, and Switch, whether handheld or console. Once connected, it provides clear, vivid visuals and incredibly smooth display, letting you fully enjoy the excitement of your games.

    Crowview Note use as Gaming supercharger

    Effortless Mini PC Setup

    With its integrated keyboard and all-in-one design, the CrowView Note simplifies mini PC setup. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for extra accessories, saving you both time and effort.

    Crowview Note as mini PC


    Highlight Gallery

    Connect with Raspberry Pi 5

    Connect with Jestson Nano

    Crowview Note connect with Raspberry Pi 5

    Crowview Note connect with Jestson Nano

    One wire plug and play

    Desktop Mode

    Crowview Note support one wire plug and play

    Crowview Note support Desktop Mode

    Built-in 5000mAh battery can reverse charge

    Connecting Xbox with CrowView Note

    Crowview Note Built-in 5000mAh battery can reverse charge

    Connecting Xbox with CrowView Note


    See Where Makers Use

     infinite application possibilities of Crowview Note

    Interface Details

    Interface Details of Crowview Note-All in one portable monitor

    Package List

    Crowview Note package list


    • Module:  CrowView Note
    • Screen Size: 14 inch
    • Resolution: 1920*1080
    • Refresh Rate: 60Hz
    • Brightness: 300nit
    • Panel Type: IPS Panel
    • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
    • Battery: 5000mAh
    • Product Color: Grey
    • Material: ABS+PC
    • Product Dimension: 13.1”7”x0.78”
    • Weight: 1200g
    • Operating Systems: Windows, MAC, Linux, Android
    • Devices: Android Phone, Laptop, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5

    Package List

    • 1x CrowView Note
    • 1x Power Adapter(12V-4A)
    • 1x User Manual

    Wiki & External links


    Specific References

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    189.05 € tax excl.