Slice of PI/O (K002) Raspberry Pi I/O Expander Board
The Slice of Pi is a handy little PCB that plugs directly onto the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins and gives a convenient row of labelled standard 0.1 inch (2.54mm) headers for the built in GPIO, SPI and I2C pins, a small prototyping area and optionally headers for plugging in an XBee style wireless devices such as the XRF, XBee, RN-XV etc. Ciseco are n doing an MCP23017 specific board called the Slice of PI/O, here is a comparison of the two)
The Slice of Pi is a handy little PCB that plugs directly onto the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins and gives a convenient row of labelled standard 0.1 inch (2.54mm) headers for the built in GPIO, SPI and I2C pins, a small prototyping area and optionally headers for plugging in an XBee style wireless devices such as the XRF, XBee, RN-XV etc. Ciseco are n doing an MCP23017 specific board called the Slice of PI/O, here is a comparison of the two)
Easy to build kit
Runs at 3v3 or 5v from the PI (red jumpr)
Runs off external power (remove red jumper and wire to pad "EXT POWER")
4 wire daisy chain connector (PWR/GND/SCL/SDA)
Breakout for Interupt A & B
Daisy chain upto 8 for 128 I/O pins
2 x 8 way 0.1" pitch layout for instant "vero-ability" of all 16 I/O's
2 x 8 way 0.1" pitch common ground for ease of use.