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    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB
    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB

    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB

    ER-SER35002P (ADV.RPI4B/4GB)

    399.00 € tax excl.

    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB

    Quantity :

    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB

    CrowPi2 kombinuje Raspberry Pi, rad bežných senzorov a nezávisle vyvinutý softvér, je rovnako užitočný na učenie sa o informatike, STEAM vzdelávanie a nastavenie ako prenosný notebook. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste fanúšikom Raspberry Pi, pedagógom STEAM alebo niekým, kto chce zažiť niečo zaujímavé, CrowPi2 bude vašou najlepšou voľbou!


    • 11,6-palcová obrazovka IPS 1920x1080
    • Elegantné telo vyrobené z ekologického materiálu, prenosné na použitie na cestách
    • Bezdrôtová klávesnica sa odpojí od tela alebo zostane pripojená pomocou magnetu
    • Premena medzi hraním a učením v sekunde
    • Začnite pracovať prostredníctvom jednofázovej inštalácie Raspberry Pi 4B
    • Zabudovaná 2-MP kamera, mikrofón a stereo výstup
    • Prepínajte medzi projektmi pomocou jedného tlačidla a buďte kreatívni pomocou pinov GPIO Raspberry PI, ktoré sa všetky pripájajú k vstavaným snímačom alebo fungujú ako nezávislé výstupy
    • Doska All-in-one obsahuje všetky potrebné senzory na učenie hardvéru a softvéru
    • Vlastný softvér na učenie programov Scratch, Python, AI a Minecraft krok za krokom prostredníctvom pútavého dialógového režimu výučby
    • Správa offline účtu na ukladanie učebného pokroku a úspechov a pohodlné pokračovanie vo vzdelávaní

    Crowpi 2-All in one Raspberry Pi Laptop

    crowpi 2 feature

    What Else Can CrowPi2 Do?

    There is no limit to the uses for CrowPi2, which is much more than an electric device. CrowPi2 comes with a removable wireless keyboard that can be removed easily from the body, no matter whether you use CrowPi2 as a laptop or learning platform. CrowPi2 with an all-in-one board with 22 necessary sensors, such as a buzzer, RGB LED, relay, and so on, which is very convenient for you to learn hardware electronics while programming.

    • Set it up as a laptop

    • Featuring with 22 kinds of sensors and modules for engineer your own electronics projects

    crowpi 2 laptop

    crowpi 2 with 22 sensors


    • Create your own DIY circuits on the breadboard

    • Play game

    create your own diy product play game with the crowpi 2


    • Craft buildings on Minecraft

    • Make a piano using different fruits

    crowpi 2 minecraft project

    crowpi 2 piano project


    • Programming for Arduino, Micro: bit, and BeagleBone

    • Face and Speech recognition

    crowpi 2 programming crowpi 2 face recognition project


    • Light sensor

    • Measure distance

    crowpi 2 light sensor

    crowpi 2 measure distance project


    • Switch between projects using one button and get creative using Raspberry PI GPIO pins, all of which connect to the onboard sensors or function as independent outputs.

      design of crowpi 2


      Self-developed software for learning Scratch,  PythonAI

      Used for STEM education, the self-developed software is mainly for learning Scratch,  PythonAI, and Minecraft, step-by-step via an engaging dialogue teaching mode. (For a better experience, we recommend using Raspberry Pi 4B 2G or above.)

      crowpi 2 with self-developed software


    • Abundant lessons to learn to code quickly, 32 Python lessons to teach you to start coding with onboard sensors step by step from easy to difficult.

      crowpi 2 with 32 python lessons  

    • 16 Scratch lessons that focus on the basics of graphical programming and how to interact with onboard sensors step by step. Crowpi 2 with 16 scratch lessons

    • 16 Detailed Minecraft lessons for you to create your buildings step by step.crowpi 2 with 16 minecraft lessons

    • 12 Face recognition and speech recognition lessons to teach you how to build AI projectscrowpi 2 with 12 AI Lessons

    • 18 small games written by Python for you to explore.

      crowpi 2 with 18 game projects
    • Offline account management for saving learning progress and achievements and conveniently continuing education. This feature allows many people to share a CrowPi2, even in school. Everyone can sign up for their own account, keep their learning progress in a private folder, and feel like CrowPi2 is their own.

      steam laptop crowpi 2
    • Supporting multiple operating systems

      crowpi 2 supports multiple systems


    • Besides that, we have made a hands-on programming book for Python and Scratch to teach beginners about programming

      crowpi 2 keyboard details 

      CrowPi2 Kit

      CrowPi is sold as three different kits depending on your needs: the basic kit, advanced kit, and deluxe kit. The only difference is that the CrowPi2 advanced kit or deluxe kit has more accessories, including Raspberry Pi 4, game controller, Crowtail modules, shortage bag, and so on. Please check the picture below to choose your favorite package.

    crowpi 2 basic kitcrowpi 2 advanced kitcrowpi 2 deluxe kit

    CrowPi2 kit comparison

    crowpi 2 kit comparison

    Note: The deluxe kit will not come with a power bank starting from the 5th.Feb. And the 32G TF card with a customized system will be replaced with a 128G.

    Wiki & External links

    ER-SER35002P (ADV.RPI4B/4GB)

    Specific References

    CrowPi2 (Silver) All In One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning (ER-SER35002P) Advanced Kit +RPI4B/4GB


    399.00 € tax excl.