RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
ARDX - The starter kit for Arduino (Seeed KIT04121P)
If you've ever wanted to dive into the electronics world but were afraid to try, then this is the perfect kit for you. A fun, beginner's kit, it includes a fully illustrated guide that will familiarize you with a wide range of electronic components while you create small, simple, and easy-to-assemble circuits. The instructions are straight forward, include diagrams, troubleshooting tips, and additional instructions for those of you who want to take their projects to the next level. There are 13 different activities outlined, and you'll want to tackle everyone.
Perfect for the beginner.
No soldering required.
No electronics background needed.
Easy to use and learn.
13 circuits included. Every circuit will have a breadboard layout. This will make it easier to construct.
A color printed Experimenter's Guide included. This will allow you to dive right into the Arduino world, step-by-step.
Comes with the latest and greatest Arduino Uno
Parts list
Arduino UNO R3 x1
Premium jumper wires x75
Type B USB cable x1
9V battery clip x1
5mm diffused RGB LED x1
Piezo Sensor - MiniSense 100 x1
5mm red LEDs x10
5mm green LEDs x10
10mm blue LED x1
Toy DC motor x1
9g High Sensitive Mini Servo x1
74HC595 x1
Buzzer x1
Pushbuttons x2
Potentiometer (10K) x1
Light sensor (5528) x1
TMP36 x1
Relay (5v,3A/120VAC) x1
P2N2222A x2
560 Ohm resistors x25
2.2k Ohm resistors x3
10k Ohm resistors x3
220uf capacitor x1
1N4001 x2
Breadboard x1
Male pin header x1
Plastic rivet x4
Acrylic holder x1
Rubber bumpers x4
Color breadboard layout sheets x13
Full color printed Experimenter’s Guide x1