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micro:bit BBC

      PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display  
      11,26 €

      9.38 € bez DPH

      PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display
          11,26 €Cena

          9.38 € bez DPH

          PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display
              PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display  
              11,26 €Cena

              9.38 € bez DPH

              PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display
                  PlanetX OLED (EF05016)  128×64 OLED display  
                  11,26 €Cena

                  9.38 € bez DPH

                      PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                      8,80 €

                      7.33 € bez DPH

                      PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital outputPlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                          8,80 €Cena

                          7.33 € bez DPH

                          PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital outputPlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                              PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                              8,80 €Cena

                              7.33 € bez DPH

                              PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital outputPlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                                  PlanetX PIR (EF05002) 3.3V  Digital output
                                  8,80 €Cena

                                  7.33 € bez DPH

                                      PlanetX PM2.5 (EF05028)   PM2.5 sensor.
                                      40,80 €

                                      34.00 € bez DPH

                                      PlanetX PM2.5 (EF05028)   PM2.5 sensor  detect the concentration of particulates in the air
                                          PlanetX PM2.5 (EF05028)   PM2.5 sensor  detect the concentration of particulates in the air
                                          40,80 €Cena

                                          34.00 € bez DPH

                                          PlanetX PM2.5 (EF05028)   PM2.5 sensor  detect the concentration of particulates in the air
                                              PlanetX PM2.5 (EF05028)   PM2.5 sensor  detect the concentration of particulates in the air
                                              40,80 €Cena

                                              34.00 € bez DPH

                                                  PlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x.
                                                  33,42 €

                                                  27.85 € bez DPH

                                                  PlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x cardPlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x card
                                                      PlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x card
                                                      33,42 €Cena

                                                      27.85 € bez DPH

                                                      PlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x cardPlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x card
                                                          PlanetX RFID  PN5321A3 (EF05047) incl. 2x labels, 1x card
                                                          33,42 €Cena

                                                          27.85 € bez DPH

                                                              PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x.
                                                              8,94 €

                                                              7.45 € bez DPH

                                                              PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x 7Segment
                                                                  PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x 7Segment
                                                                      PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x 7Segment 
                                                                      8,94 €Cena

                                                                      7.45 € bez DPH

                                                                      PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x 7Segment
                                                                          PlanetX Segment (EF05026)  TM1637, 4x 7Segment 
                                                                          8,94 €Cena

                                                                          7.45 € bez DPH

                                                                              PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can.
                                                                              8,32 €11,88 €Základná cena-30%

                                                                              6.93 € bez DPH

                                                                              PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can detect the moisture level in the soil
                                                                                  8,32 €11,88 €Základná cena-30%Cena

                                                                                  6.93 € bez DPH

                                                                                  PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can detect the moisture level in the soil
                                                                                      PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can detect the moisture level in the soil
                                                                                      8,32 €11,88 €Základná cena-30%zCena

                                                                                      6.93 € bez DPH

                                                                                      PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can detect the moisture level in the soil
                                                                                          PlanetX Soil moisture  (EF05005) sensor can detect the moisture level in the soil
                                                                                          8,32 €11,88 €Základná cena-30%zCena

                                                                                          6.93 € bez DPH

                                                                                              PlanetX Tracking (EF05019) dual-channel line.
                                                                                              8,76 €

                                                                                              7.30 € bez DPH

                                                                                              PlanetX Tracking (EF05019) dual-channel line tracking module
                                                                                                  PlanetX Tracking (EF05019) dual-channel line tracking module
                                                                                                  8,76 €Cena

                                                                                                  7.30 € bez DPH

                                                                                                  PlanetX Tracking (EF05019) dual-channel line tracking module
                                                                                                      PlanetX Tracking (EF05019) dual-channel line tracking module
                                                                                                      8,76 €Cena

                                                                                                      7.30 € bez DPH

                                                                                                          PlanetX UV (EF05021)  measuring of.
                                                                                                          11,26 €

                                                                                                          9.38 € bez DPH

                                                                                                          PlanetX UV (EF05021)  measuring of ultraviolet intensity
                                                                                                              PlanetX UV (EF05021)  measuring of ultraviolet intensity
                                                                                                              11,26 €Cena

                                                                                                              9.38 € bez DPH

                                                                                                              PlanetX UV (EF05021)  measuring of ultraviolet intensity
                                                                                                                  PlanetX UV (EF05021)  measuring of ultraviolet intensity
                                                                                                                  11,26 €Cena

                                                                                                                  9.38 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                      PlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims.
                                                                                                                      22,32 €

                                                                                                                      18.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                      PlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distancePlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distance
                                                                                                                          PlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distance
                                                                                                                          22,32 €Cena

                                                                                                                          18.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                          PlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distancePlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distance
                                                                                                                              PlanetX Ultrasonic (EF05007)  Sonar:bit aims to measure the shortly distance
                                                                                                                              22,32 €Cena

                                                                                                                              18.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                  Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS).
                                                                                                                                  6,98 €

                                                                                                                                  5.82 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                  Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409
                                                                                                                                      Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409
                                                                                                                                      6,98 €Cena

                                                                                                                                      5.82 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                      Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409
                                                                                                                                          Power:bit for Micro:bit BBC (ELECFREAKS) powerbit EF03409
                                                                                                                                          6,98 €Cena

                                                                                                                                          5.82 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                              Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit.
                                                                                                                                              4,32 €

                                                                                                                                              3.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                              Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) KitronikProng Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) Kitronik
                                                                                                                                                  Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) Kitronik
                                                                                                                                                  4,32 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                  3.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                  Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) KitronikProng Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) Kitronik
                                                                                                                                                      Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit (KIT-5647) Kitronik
                                                                                                                                                      4,32 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                      3.60 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                          Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit.
                                                                                                                                                          19,20 €

                                                                                                                                                          16.00 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                          Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                              Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                  Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                  19,20 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                  16.00 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                  Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                      Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                      19,20 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                      16.00 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                          RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                          11,64 €

                                                                                                                                                                          9.70 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                          RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                              11,64 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                              9.70 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                              RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                                  RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                                  11,64 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                  9.70 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                  RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                                      RTC Board for the BBC micro:bit (Kitronik)
                                                                                                                                                                                      11,64 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                      9.70 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                          Rainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2.
                                                                                                                                                                                          8,28 €

                                                                                                                                                                                          6.90 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                          Rainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bitRainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bit
                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bit
                                                                                                                                                                                              8,28 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                              6.90 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bitRainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bit
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rainbow LED Strip for ring:bit car v2 (EF03425) micro:bit
                                                                                                                                                                                                  8,28 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                                  6.90 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ring:bit Bricks Pack - without micro:bit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      38,40 €

                                                                                                                                                                                                      32.00 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ring:bit Bricks Pack - (neobsahuje micro:bit) without micro:bit (ELECFREAKS) EF08217Ring:bit Bricks Pack - (neobsahuje micro:bit) without micro:bit (ELECFREAKS) EF08217
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ring:bit Bricks Pack - without micro:bit (neobsahuje micro:bit) (ELECFREAKS) EF08217
                                                                                                                                                                                                          38,40 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                                          32.00 € bez DPH

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ring:bit Bricks Pack - (neobsahuje micro:bit) without micro:bit (ELECFREAKS) EF08217Ring:bit Bricks Pack - (neobsahuje micro:bit) without micro:bit (ELECFREAKS) EF08217
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ring:bit Bricks Pack - without micro:bit (neobsahuje micro:bit) (ELECFREAKS) EF08217
                                                                                                                                                                                                              38,40 €Cena

                                                                                                                                                                                                              32.00 € bez DPH