RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
The Siglent SDS1004X-E is a very high quality four channel digital storage oscilloscope. It features a real-time sample rate of up to 1 GSa/s and a bandwidth of 200 MHz along with a standard record length of 14 Mpts. The SDS1000X-E Series Oscilloscopes use a new generation of advanced SPO technology for an excellent signal fidelity and very low background noise. It has a minimum vertical input range starting from 500 µV/div and an innovative trigger system with high sensitivity and low jitter. This high performance standard not only ensures capturing real-time instantaneous signals, but also observes details of repeated signals. The SDS1000X-E has a refresh rate of up to 100.000 wfms/s, enabling users to capture instantaneous signals, as well as abnormal signals more quickly. It also helps to enhance the waveform capturing ability and to expedite a circuit debug course. The large TFT color displays are very easy to read. Thanks to an intelligent system for displaying or masking information, the largest possible area is always available for displaying signals. The signal curves, the FFT display, and other functions can be shown simultaneously on the display. The oscilloscopes of the Siglent SDS1000X-E series have enhanced mathematical functions. Measurements and math functions are processed over the complete memory range, not only in the display memory. In addition the FFT function works with a lot more data points (1 MPts instead of 16 KPts) which makes it more accurate.