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    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box
    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box
    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box
    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box

    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box

    54,49 €

    44.30 € bez DPH

    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box


    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box

    Sada elektronických komponentov, ktoré uľahčujú prácu s modulmi série Arduino. Sada obsahuje: LED diódy, rezistory, senzory, integrované obvody a LCD displej s pripájanými konektormi, motor s ovládačom a originálnu, najnovšiu základnú dosku Arduino Uno Rev 3. Táto verzia sa zasiela s organizérom na jednoduché skladovanie a prenášanie.

    Balenie Obsahuje :

    L.p. Picture Description
    1 01060_11.jpg Arduino Uno - original, latest module with Atmega328 microcontroller.
    2 00055_1.jpg 830 field contact board - a large board with separate power lines to create electronic circuits.
    3 01447_1_kwadrat.jpg Set of 5 mm LEDs (30 pcs) - 10 pcs each of red, green and yellow elements.
    4 RGB diode common anode - LED with four leads able to shine in all colours.
    5 Set of resistors (200 pcs) - 20 pcs each of the most popular values, enabling e.g. the connection of LEDs.
    6 00254_1.jpg Transistors NPN BC547 (5 pcs.) - semiconductor circuits allowing to control elements that draw more current than a single microcontroller pin can provide.
    7 00376_1.jpg LM35 analog temperature sensor - popular, easy to use thermometer, connected to Arduino analog inputs.
    8 Photoresistor - sensor which measures the intensity of incident light, it can detect if a room is dark or bright.
    9 00377_1.jpg Tact-switch buttons - will be used as data input to the Arduino module.
    10 00307_1.jpg 10k or 20k potentiometers (5 pcs.) - similarly to the buttons, connected to the analog outputs, can be used as a user interface element - simple knobs.
    11 03798_3_kwadrat.jpg Sliding register - allows to control for example more diodes and at the same time saves Arduino digital leads.
    12 01210_1_kwadrat.jpg PCF8574 expander - allows to increase number of Arduino pins.
    13 Buzzer with generator - simple 5V powered sound generator.
    14 Connection wires 65 pcs male to male - allows to make connections on the contact board and between board and Arduino.
    15 09559_1.jpg USB A-B cable 1m long - used to connect Arduino to computer.
    16 09301_1_kwadrat.jpg DHT11 - temperature and humidity sensor.
    17 Wyświetlacz LCD dla Arduino ze złączami 16x2 LCD display with blue backlight - popular alphanumeric display with available library for Arduino.
    18 00176_1.jpg Motor driver L293D - H-bridge to control direction and speed of two DC motors.
    19 Czujnik ruchu PIR PIR sensor - allows to detect motion.
    20 Czujnik odległości HC-DR04 Distance sensor HC-DR04 - ultrasonic sensor capable of detecting objects from 2 cm to 200 cm.
    21 00949_2.jpg DC motor - a small, simple DC motor powered from 3 V to 5 V.
    22 02391_1.jpg Organizer for easy carrying of the kit.

    Špecifické referencie

    StarterKit Advanced with Arduino Uno A000066 module + Box

    54,49 €

    44.30 € bez DPH