RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
mikromedia 5 for Tiva (MIKROE-1504)
This board provides a compact high-quality multimedia development platform for TM4C129xNCZADdevice. It has numerous on-board modules, that allow you to write multimedia applications.
Board features mikroProg for Tiva™programmer and debugger. All you need to do is plug the USB cable into ICDI connector and use mikroProg Suite for ARM or other programming software to upload new device firmware.
mikromedia 5 for Tiva™ is fully supported by mikroC,mikroBasic and mikroPascalcompilers for ARM. Compilers come with dozens of examples that demostrate every feature of the board.
Easily create fantastic colorful graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mikromedia in VisualTFTsoftware. Even total beginners will be able to create amazing mikromedia applications.