RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
EMI Spectrum Analyzer SPECTRAN NF-3020 (10Hz - 400kHz)
Same as NF-3010 but with analog input to connect our optional PBS Near Field Probe Set or ADP1 etc.. Vastly enhanced frequency range up to 400kHz.
The NF-3020 is included in our Intermediate Bundle.
As development progresses, EMI measurements become more and more important, for example on modules and their interfaces: As any electrical system or device has to operate in its electromagnetic environment without being disturbed someone else's requirenmen or disturbing itself, it should be tested for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . EMC is subdivided into measurement of electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). Aaronia is the leading supplier of cheap and handheld test equipment and systems for EMC, EMS and EMI measurements.
The company offers a wide range of products for measuring the electromagnetic interference , such as EMI analyzers, EMI probes, EMC antenna and even whole systems for EMI tests and EMI qualification (EMC measurement kits).