2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi
      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi
      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi
      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi
      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi

      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240 (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi

      WS-12219 (2.8inch RPi LCD A)
      21,28 €

      17.30 € bez DPH

      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi


      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi


      320×240, 2.8 inch Resistive Touch Screen TFT LCD, Designed for Raspberry Pi


      • 320×240 resolution
      • Resistive touch control
      • Supports any revision of Raspberry Pi (directly-pluggable)
      • Drivers provided (works with your own Raspbian/Ubuntu directly)
      • Size perfectly fits the Pi
      • 4 user keys
      • High quality immersion gold surface plating
      • Supports Raspbian system, enables your system to:
        • Take photos by touching (up to 17 camera modes)
        • Support software keyboard (system interaction without keyboard/mouse)

      2.8inch RPi LCD (A) and 3.2inch RPi LCD (B) are compatible with each other (the only differences are screen size and keys count), and can be mutually substituted in most cases.

      Key Parameters

      LCD Type TFT
      LCD Interface SPI
      Touch Screen Type Resistive
      Touch Screen Controller XPT2046
      Colors 65536
      Backlight LED
      Resolution 320*240 (Pixel)
      Aspect Ratio 4:3
      Power Consumption TBD
      Backlight Current TBD
      Operating Temp. (℃) TBD




      1, 17 3.3V Power positive (3.3V power input)
      2, 4 5V Power positive (5V power input)
      3, 5, 7, 8, 10 NC NC
      6, 9, 14, 20, 25 GND Ground
      11 TP_IRQ Touch Panel interrupt, low level while the Touch Panel detects touching
      12 KEY1 Key
      13 RST Reset
      15 LCD_RS LCD instruction control, Instruction/Data Register selection
      16 KEY2 Key
      18 KEY3 Key
      19 LCD_SI / TP_SI SPI data input of LCD/Touch Panel
      21 TP_SO SPI data output of Touch Panel
      22 KEY4 Key
      23 LCD_SCK / TP_SCK SPI clock of LCD/Touch Panel
      24 LCD_CS LCD chip selection, low active
      26 TP_CS Touch Panel chip selection, low active

      External Dimension


      Development Resources

      Wiki : www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_RPi_LCD_(A)


      Why the LCD doesn't work with my Raspbian?
      To use the LCD with the Raspberry Pi official image, driver should be installed first. Please refer to the user manual.
      However, for the first testing, you may want to use our provided image directly.
      Why the LCD still doesn't work with the Waveshare provided image?
      Make sure the hardware connection is correct and connects fine.
      Make sure the image in TF card is burnt correctly.
      The PWR will keep on and the ACT will keep blinking when the Raspberry Pi starts up successfully, in case both of the two LEDs keep on, it is possible that the image was burnt incorrectly OR the TF card was in bad contact.
      Which power supply should I use?
      It is strongly recommended to use a stand-alone 5V/2A power adapter, because the PC's USB port might have not enough power to support the Pi and LCD.

      For more info, please check the wiki page.

      Selection Guide

      Part NumberResolutionLCD InterfaceTouch Panel InterfaceFor use withDimension (mm)Touch Panel TypeHow you feelFeature
      2.8inch RPi LCD (A) 320x240 I/O I/O Pi As the Pi 3B Resistive ★★ Low cost
      3.2inch RPi LCD (B) 320x240 I/O I/O Pi As the Pi 3B Resistive ★★ -
      3.5inch RPi LCD (A) 480x320 I/O I/O Pi As the Pi 3B Resistive ★★★ Cost effective
      3.5inch RPi LCD (B) 480x320 I/O I/O Pi As the Pi 3B Resistive ★★★ IPS screen
      3.5inch HDMI LCD 480x320 HDMI I/O Pi As the Pi 3B Resistive ★★★★☆ IPS screen
      4inch RPi LCD (A) 480x320 I/O I/O Pi 94 x 61 Resistive ★★★☆ IPS screen
      4inch HDMI LCD 800x480 HDMI I/O Pi 99 x 58 Resistive ★★★★☆ IPS screen
      4.3inch HDMI LCD 480x272 HDMI I/O Pi 106 x 68 Resistive ★★★★ Cost effective
      5inch HDMI LCD 800x480 HDMI I/O Pi 121 x 78 Resistive ★★★★ Low cost
      5inch HDMI LCD (B) 800x480 HDMI USB Not only Pi 121 x 76 Resistive ★★★★ Supports various systems
      7inch HDMI LCD 1024x600 HDMI I/O Pi 165 x 107 Resistive ★★★★☆ Cost effective
      7inch HDMI LCD (B) 800x480 HDMI USB Not only Pi 165 x 107 Capacitive ★★★★☆ Supports various systems
      7inch HDMI LCD (C) 1024x600 HDMI USB Not only Pi 165 x 107 Capacitive ★★★★★ IPS screen, Supports various systems
      7inch HDMI LCD (H) 1024x600 HDMI USB Not only Pi 191 x 115 Capacitive ★★★★★ IPS screen, Supports various systems
      10.1inch HDMI LCD 1024x600 HDMI I/O Pi 235 x 144 Resistive ★★★★☆ Cost effective
      10.1inch HDMI LCD (B) 1280x800 HDMI USB Not only Pi 274 x 187 Capacitive ★★★★★ IPS screen, Supports various systems
      10.1inch HDMI LCD (D) 1280x800 HDMI USB Not only Pi 258 x 177 Capacitive ★★★★★ IPS screen, Supports various systems
      10.1inch HDMI LCD (H) 1024x600 HDMI USB Not only Pi 257 x 162 Capacitive ★★★★☆ Supports various systems
      13.3inch HDMI LCD (H) 1920x1080 HDMI USB Not only Pi 330 x 208 Capacitive ★★★★★ IPS screen, Supports various systems

      Note : 
      Pi 3B = Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 
      If the LCD is intended to play videos, please choose the one with HDMI display interface for better experience.

      Have a look :
      RPi LCD Comparing

      Waveshare Electronics
      WS-12219 (2.8inch RPi LCD A)

      Špecifické referencie

      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240  (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi

      2.8inch RPi LCD (A), 320×240 (WS-12219) 320×240, 2.8inch Touch Screen TFT LCD for Raspberry Pi

      21,28 €

      17.30 € bez DPH