MCU: MAX2000-RAX up to 20 Mhz( single clock per instruction i.e. up to 20MIPS), low power 190 uA @ 8Mhz, power supply 1.8-2.5V, 16 bit microcontroller with 64 KB Flash (10K re-programing cycles), 2KB RAM, 3x 16bit Timers, 2x UART, 1x SPI, 1-wire, build-in driver for 132 segment LCD
JTAG connector
20 Mhz (on socket) and 32 768 Hz oscillator crystal
2x RS232 connectors, one can be used for code bootloader
1x SPI port on connector
1-wire connector
Li-io 3V battery connector on board (no RS232 power supply when using this battery)
two buttons on ports with interrupts
RESET button
status LED
power supply LED
Two on-board power supply voltage regulators supplying +1.8-2.2-2.5V to core and +3.3V to GPIOs
PWR_JTAG allow board to be power supplied by the JTAG (if MAXQ-JTAG-USB is used)
power supply filtering capacitors
extension headers for each uC pin on 0.1" row header
PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component print