RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
ELECFREAKS Experiment box for micro:bit (without micro:bit) EF08200
IoT prakticky: Micro:bit Experiment Box na jednoduché pokusy s hardvérom (pcrevue.sk)
Experiment Box is a multifunction box experiment equipment which is based on professional experimental equipment and the actual physics learning situation. You will learn how to control physics circuit by programming.
Name : micro:bit Experiment Box Kit
SKU :EF08199/EF08200
Coding language : makecode\python\C++
Power supply : 2 x AA
Connection : banana wire
Size : 25X17.6X3.8cm
Downloads : experiment box kit
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