RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
.3Believe it or not, this board is a small development system. It barely fits on your finger, but it features ATmega328, USB-UART, reset circuit and LED indicators.
AT-MINI board comes in two versions: 5V and 3.3V. So, no matter what device you are developing and what powering options you decide to implement, you have the appropriate solution with AT-MINI board.
AT-MINI board designed for 3.3V operation features 8MHz crystal and uses UART bootloader with 57600 bps operation.
AT-MINI board is a small development board featuring ATmega328 microcontroller, USB-UART module, reset circuit and indicator LEDS.
Board comes preprogrammed with fast UART bootlaoder.
Having 32Kb flash and 2Kb of RAM memory, this board is suitable to be the brains of your mobile devices, robots, autonomous vehicles and many other.
Board comes in two forms: 3.3V with 8MHz and 5V with 16MHz crystal.