Motor Control Shield (Waveshare) for 4 DC motors or 2 stepping motors
Motor Control Shield, drives DC Motors & Stepping Motors
Motor Control Shield is capable of driving 4 DC motors or 2 stepping motors at one time.
- Configurable motor power supply via onboard jumper
- when using 5V motor power supply : drives four 5V DC motors at one time
- when using adjustable motor power supply : drives two 1.25V-6.45V DC motors at one time (9V external power supply is required)
- Onboard dual H-bridge driver L293D x 2
- each L293D can drive 2 DC motors or 1 stepping motor at one time
- totally 4 channel H-bridge, with 600mA output current (peak 1.2A) per single bridge
- ESD protection
What's on Board

- External power supply jack
- Power input/output pinheader
- Stepping motor interface
- DC motor interface
- M_PWR configuration : connects M_PWR (motor power) to 5V or ADJ
- Power selection switch
- Power indicator
- AMS1117-ADJ : onboard linear regulator with adjustable output
- Adjustable potentiometer : for adjusting the output voltage of ADJ (adjustable motor power)
- L293D : dual H-bridge driver
- LM2596-5.0 : onboard linear switching regulator with 5V output
Note : when in operation, it's normal that the onboard motor drivers and regulators generate lots of heat.
Development resources: demo codes, schematic, datasheets, etc.
WS-9724 (WS-Motor-Control)