RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
USB IO Board (Hardkernel) USB to GPIO/PWM/SPI/UART/I2C/ADC
for ODROID-X2 / U3 / U2 / XU / XU3 / C1 / XU4
USB to IO expansion board that provides GPIO/PWM/SPI/UART/I2C/ADC interfaces. It uses 3.3V/5V compatible PIC18F45K50-QFN USB Microcontroller. It includes 28 pin headers to make it easy to plug into a breadboard or other circuit. It has a bootloader that allows for downloading or upgrading the firmware.
Micro-USB Cable is included in the package
The are full resources of the USB IO Board on our WiKi including the data sheet for the PIC18F45K50 and schematics.
And there are also useful guides and examples which contributed by ODROD forum member