P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip
      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip

      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip

      20,85 €

      16.95 € bez DPH

      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip


      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip

      Introducing Parallax's own all-custom silicon, designed at the transistor level by schematic! The Propeller module is a multi-processing chip, with shared memory and a built-in interpreter for programming in a high-level object-oriented language, called Spin™, and low-level (assembly) language. With the set of pre-built Parallax "objects" for video, mice, keyboards, NTSC/VGA displays, LCDs, stepper motors and sensors your application is a matter of high-level integration with Propeller chips. The Propeller chips are designed for high-speed embedded processing, while maintaining low power, low current consumption and a small physical footprint.

      The P8X32A-Q44 is most useful for prototyping in its 44-pin QFP package. Connecting the Propeller module to your computer's serial or USB port using our Prop Plug for programming is quite simple. The Propeller chip can run on its own with a power supply, internal clock and using RAM for code storage. Add an external EEPROM for non-volatile code storage.

      Long-term supply notification from company owner: The Propeller chip is a full-custom, Parallax design in entirety, unencumbered from any third-party intellectual property obligations. Parallax endeavors to supply Propellers as long as we have demand (i.e., foreseeable future, a minimum 20 to 25 years). As an example of our commitment, Parallax still manufactures the BASIC Stamp I and it was designed nearly 20 years ago. For these reasons, customers should have no concern about the long-term supply of Propeller chips. If you have any concern about long-term supply please feel free to contact us for personal communication.


      • Model Number: P8X32A-Q44
      • Processors (cogs): Eight
      • Architecture: 32-bits
      • System Clock Speed: DC to 80 MHz
      • Global RAM/ROM: 64 K bytes; 32 K RAM / 32 K ROM
      • Cog RAM: 512 x 32 bits each
      • I/O Pins: 32 (simultaneously addressable by all eight cogs)
      • Current Source/Sink per I/O: 40 mA
      • Clock Modes: (a) External crystal 4 -8 MHz (16 x PLL) (b) Internal oscillator ~12 MHz or ~20 kHz (c) Direct drive
      • Package Type: 44-pin QFP

      Pin Assignments:

      • P0-P31: General purpose I/O.  Can source/sink 40 mA each at 3.3 VDC
      • P31: Rx from host (general purpose I/O after boot up).
      • P30: Tx to host (general purpose I/O after boot up/download).
      • P29: I2C SDA connection to external EEPROM (general purpose I/O after boot up).
      • P28: I2C SCL connection to external EEPROM (general purpose I/O after boot up).
      • Vdd: 3.3 V power (2.7 - 3.6 VDC).
      • Vss: Ground (0 VDC).
      • BOEn: Brown Out Enable (active low). Must be connected to either Vdd or Vss.  If low, RESn becomes a weak output (~5 KΩ) for monitoring purposes but can be driven low to cause reset. If high, RESn is a CMOS input with Schmitt Trigger.
      • RESn: Reset (active low). When low, resets the Propeller chip; all cogs disabled and I/O pins floating. Propeller restarts 50 ms after RESn transitions from low to high.
      • XI: Crystal / clock input. Can connect to crystal or oscillator.
      • XO: Crystal Output. Provides feedback for an external crystal. Internal C and R selectable for crystals (no other components required).

      Key Specifications:

      • Power requirements: 2.7 to 3.3 VDC
      • Communication: Serial for programming
      • Dimensions: 0.39 x 0.39 x 0.05 in (10 x 10 x 1.4 mm)
      • Operating temp range: -67 to +257 °F (-55 to +125 °C)


      Downloads & Resources:
      Propeller Articles, Software, and Documentation
      Propeller Object Exchange (Off Site)
      Propeller Q & A


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      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip

      P8X32A-Q44 (Parallax) Propeller Chip - 44-Pin QFP Chip

      20,85 €

      16.95 € bez DPH