RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
Zigbee CC2531 USB Dongle (Itead) M0802010007
The CC2531 USB dongle is a fully operational USB device which provides a PC interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-Prod firmware, the dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/Raspberry etc used as a Zigbee packet sniffer.
To run zigbee2mqtt for the control of SONOFF Zigbee products like BASICZBR3, S31 Lite Zb in your home automation system, a CC2531 USB dongle integration is recommended. The CC2531 USB dongle is a fully operational USB device which provides a PC interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-Prod firmware, the dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/Raspberry etc used as a Zigbee packet sniffer.
Yup, it is a ready-to-go CC2531 USB dongle for zigbee2mqtt application
CC2531 USB dongle hardware description:
The Debug connector / IO connector:
How to integrate the SONOFF Zigbee products into your home automation system? Please refer to the website of zigbee2mqtt.io for more information. As ITEAD has already done the firmware flash of CC2531ZNP-Prod for CC2531 USB dongle, you can directly start with the section of “Running Zigbee2mqtt”