RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
Propeller C Quick Learner Kit (Parallax 910-32910)
Excited to get started learning the multi-core Propeller in C but not sure where to start? This kit comes with the Propeller Activity Board and all the sensors and accessories you need to work through the Simple Circuits and Simple Devices tutorials in the Propeller C Learning System.
Key Features:
Note: All Simple Circuits and Simple Devices tutorials can be run from USB power except the servo tutorial. This requires an additional power source such as a 4-cell AA Battery pack (#700-00038), 5-cell AA Battery pack (#753-00007), 7.5 V 1 A Power Supply (#750-00009) or Li-ion Boe-Bot Power Pack-Charger (#28988).
Kit Contents: