RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
SmartGLCD 240x128 Board ( (MIKROE-762)
SmartGLCD 240x128 Board is a full-featured tool for easy development of embedded graphical applications using PIC18F87K22 device. Board features 240x128 Graphic LCD with Touch Screen, RGB Backlight, Piezo Buzzer, USB-UART and microSD card slot.
On-board microcontroller is preprogrammed with fast USB UART bootloader, so it’s ready to work right out of the box. You don’t have to spend a dollar more on programmers. If you need a powerful debugger usemikroProg for PIC.
SmartGLCD is fully supported bymikroC, mikroBasic andmikroPascal compilers for PIC. Examples written in each compiler demostrate every feature of the board.
Easily create fantastic graphical user interfaces (GUI) for SmartGLCD inVisualGLCD software. Even beginners will be able to create amazing applications.