RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
RLX COMPONENTS s.r.o. , Electronic Components Distributor.
8 Channel Ethernet Relay Module (NU-8ETHRL001)
Numato Lab 8 Channel Ethernet Relay module allows controlling electrical devices remotely through Ethernet using easy to use Web interface or TELNET interface and can be programmed using almost any language. With 8 Relays that supports up to 10A, 10 Digital IOs and 10 multiplexed Analog inputs, this product avoids the need of buying additional Digital IO and Analog input modules. This product works with any operating system that has a browser or has a TELNET tool. This includes Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Android etc..
Numato Lab 8 Channel Ethernet Relay module allows controlling electrical devices remotely through Ethernet using easy to use Web interface or TELNET interface and can be programmed using almost any language. With 8 Relays that supports up to 10A, 10 Digital IOs and 10 multiplexed Analog inputs, this product avoids the need of buying additional Digital IO and Analog input modules. This product works with any operating system that has a browser or has a TELNET tool. This includes Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Android etc..
Each relay/gpio can be individually controlled through the built in easy to use web interface or through any popular terminal emulator that supports TELNET protocol. The 8 Channel Ethernet Relay module is shipped with unique MAC address. These devices also supports assigning and retrieving custom identification string that can be used for identifying individual devices when there are large number of devices connected on the same network. All relay terminals are available on screw terminals which makes connecting external devices very easy.
Easy to use web interface with point and click to control relays and GPIOs. A common status page displays status of all relays and GPIOs in one location. This makes monitoring the device status without moving to different pages. Dedicated interfaces for Relays and GPIOs for configuration and control. Each relay can be controlled independantly by simply clicking the toggle button. Individual GPIOs can be configured as Digital Input, Digitl Output or Analog input. When a GPIO is configured as Digital Input or Analog Input, that GPIO is monitored periodically and current status is updated immediately.
For those who wants finer control, this product offers a TELNET interface. The TELNET interface helps controlling individual relays and GPIOs using any off the shelf TELNET client programs such as TeraTerm, Putty, HyperTerminal or even with built in TELNET clients shipped with various operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. The interface uses simple human readable commands that can be executed from a command prompt just like entering commands at Windows or Linux command prompt. Response from the device if any, will be displayed in human readable text.
Looking for automation or want to control relays and GPIOs from your custom application? We’ve got that covered too. TELNET is a widely supported open protocol and it is easy to write a custom script or applicaton by using TELNET library provided by most programming platforms or even by using raw TCP/IP sockets. For example, connecting to 8 Channel Ethernet Relay Module and reading version information using Python 3.x can be accomplished in less than a dozen lines of code.