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    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit
    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit

    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit

    244,77 €

    199.00 € bez DPH

    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit


    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit

    CrowPi je vzdelávací nástroj založený na Raspberry Pi, ktorý je navrhnutý tak, aby pomohol naučiť sa elektroniku, programovanie a základy informatiky.  Prví používatelia sa o  Teraz sme CrowPi vylepšili, aby mal väčšiu obrazovku a bol kompatibilný s Raspberry Pi 5. Úspech CrowPi vychádza z popularity Raspberry Pi a z jedinečných výhod samotného produktu, ako sú kompaktná vývojová doska, elegantné a prenosné puzdro, návody krok za krokom a prijateľná cena. Ako všetci vieme, informatika a programovanie sa v súčasnosti považujú za základné schopnosti študentov 21. storočia a stávajú sa kľúčovou súčasťou mnohých učebných osnov, dokonca aj na základných školách. A keď spojíme informatiku a programovanie s elektronikou, môžeme zostrojiť mnoho užitočných zariadení pre priemyselné aplikácie aj pre použitie v našom každodennom živote. Niektoré príklady moderných aplikácií pre IT sú: prevádzka meteorologickej stanice, automatické osvetlenie PIR, robotické auto sledujúce líniu, radar vo vozidle atď.

    CrowPi Diagram

    CrowPi is equipped with a 9-inch HD touchscreen along with a camera. All the regular components used in DIY electronics are packed into the CrowPi development board, such as LCD, LED matrix, buzzer, light sensor, PIR sensor, ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, etc.Crowpi diagram

    Crowpi 7 inch and Crowpi 9 inch Comparison







    crowpi with 7 inch display

    7inch Old Version

     Crowpi with 9 inch display

    9inch Upgraded Version


    7inch 1024*600 Touch Display

    9inch1024*600 IPS Touch Display

    Power Interface

    DC interface

    Type-C interface

    Raspberry Pi compatibility

    Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3B/4B

    Compatible with Raspberry Pi 5/4B

    Temperature and humidity sensor

    DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor

    DHT20 Temperature and humidity sensor

    HDMI Connector

    Include HDMI Connector

    Doesn’t include HDMI Connector


    EU, UK, US, AU

    EU, US, AU(US+Adapter), UK(US+Adapter)

    crowpi overview

    CrowPi Kit

    CrowPi is sold as two different kits depending on your needs: the basic kit, and the advanced kit. The charger specification is 12v 2.25A. The only difference is that the CrowPi advanced kit has more accessories, including Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, earphones, gamepads, and heat sink. If you’ve already had a Raspberry Pi board, the basic kit is good for you.

    If you have never used Raspberry Pi before, we’d recommend the advanced kit. 

    crowpi kit comparasion

    CrowPi Function

    The main purpose of CrowPi is to work as an educational tool. We can use it as a small computer to learn basic computer science and practice programming. We can also carry out many electronic experiments with CrowPi. What’s more interesting, we can play Nintendo games and build our games.


    Get to know Raspberry Pi 5  Hardware

    Raspberry Pi is the most popular pocket-sized computer. It has been used all over the world to complete tremendous projects. Raspberry Pi 5 is the latest version. Before we get hands-on with CrowPi, we should master the basic knowledge of Raspberry Pi hardware. 

    raspberry pi 5 specification

    Learn Basic Computer Science

    As a small and affordable computer, Raspberry Pi is not as powerful as our Desktop computers or notebooks. However, it can deal with most of the regular requirements for basic computer science.


    Use CrowPi as a Computer

    Use CrowPi as a Computer

    Set Up RetroPie and Play Nintendo Games

    Set Up RetroPie and Play Games


    Surf On the Internet

    Surf On the Internet

    Watch Videos

    Watch Videos



    Listen to Music 

    Crowpi Listen to the Music

    Edit Documents

    Edit Document



    Send and Receive Emails

    Send and Receive Email

    Take Photos

    Take Photos


    Practice Scratch and Python

    Scratch and Python are very popular programming languages for beginners. All of our lessons are written based on these two languages.


    CrowPi Python Lesson 1- Using the buzzer as an alert notification

    CrowPi Python Lesson1-Using the buzzer as an alert notification

    Create Your Own Python Games

    Creat your own python games



    CrowPi Scratch Lesson 2- Controlling the Buzzer Using a Button

    CrowPi Scratch Lesson2-Controlling Buzzer Using Button

    Create Your Own Scratch Games

    Create Your Own Scratch Games


    Build Electronic Projects

    You can start by using only a few components, such as the sound sensor and buzzer to build a noisy alarm system. After you’re getting skillful, you can complete a more complicated project, such as activating the LCD and LED segment displays, LED matrixes, buzzers, or vibration motors at the same time with an NFC card.


    Python Lesson7- Detect Room Temperature and Humidity Using DHT20 Sensor

    CrowPi Python Lesson 7-Detect Room Temperature and Humidity Using DHT20 Sensor

    Python Lesson 14- Controlling the 8x8 Matrix LED


    Python Lesson 14- Controlling the 8x8 Matrix LED



    NFC Trigger System 

    Build NFC Trigger System

    Build Automatic Fire Alarming and Extinguishing System

    Build Automatic Fire Alarming and Extinguishing System


    Play Minecraft with CrowPi

    Minecraft Pi edition comes with a revised feature set and support for multiple programming languages. You can start by building structures in the traditional Minecraft way, but once you’ve got to grips with the in-game features, there’s an opportunity to break open the code and use the programming language to manipulate things in the game world. You’ll be learning new skills through Minecraft!

    Customer Testimonial

    We also sent CrowPi to a professional engineer to collect their feedback. The initial customers are Kickstarter backers. Raspberry Pi's official magazine RagPi71 also discussed the benefits of CrowPi as a laptop or portable hacking station.

    Larry McElhiney

    "Thank you very much for your all-encompassing update regarding issues! In addition, I had many of the button tops which decided to hide from sight inside the case, necessitating the removal of the board to find them. Overall, a nicely-done design which will be a wonderful presentation tool!"

    Jörg Tragert

    "Received mine last week. It works perfectly. My 13-year-old son went through the lessons and learned much more in 3 nights than I in 3 years buying lots of components separately, losing parts over time, searching for drivers, etc. You delivered much more than I expected! Best pi project ever!" which will be a wonderful presentation tool!" 

    Robert L ODonnell

    "WOW, color me impressed. This project totally met its (rather steep) promises. Well built, well documented. I am probably going to buy another at full retail price now because both my kids love it! Thank you for the awesome project. As an aside, the delivery date to the US was wishful thinking. It stopped in LA for a couple of days but arrived complete and in good shape. Kudos on shipping!"

    Michael van Es

    “How proud I was yesterday to present the CrowPi to my children and friends! I’ve mounted the PI on the board and WOW! Nice WORKING Python scripts already on the desktop folder, very good explained in the documentation. Happy to be a part of the early adapters of this product: I foresee many interests from school AND parents, I’ll promote you as much as I can!”


    “It’s functional and has lots of potential to either help someone learn new skills or aid in the development of Pi projects. I can see myself using it to develop new blog tutorials on the sofa rather than having to set up on my desk upstairs”.


    “Overall the CrowPi is a great device that is fantastic for those who are just getting started with the Raspberry Pi or are interested in STEM education. It proves itself as a good platform thanks to its large amount of inbuilt sensors, buttons, and output devices.”


    Document Download

    Špecifické referencie

    CrowPi- Compact Raspberry Pi Educational Kit 9inch display, compatible with Raspberry Pi 5(ER-SES14002K) Basic Kit

    244,77 €

    199.00 € bez DPH